Transfiguration Sunday provides an opportunity to remember those times when we encounter Holy Mystery in astounding ways. Some who gather on this day will have had mountaintop experiences that transformed their lives. But for many others, God’s presence is subtle and comes to them in smaller -perhaps even daily -ways. How can you help others recognize and name the presence of the Holy in their lives?
Remembering Jesus’ transfiguration and our calling to be reflections of Christ is the climax of the Season after the Epiphany. We pause on this day to celebrate and hold within us the presence of Holy Mystery that will empower us for the journey into Lent.
Personal Reflection:
“Now Peter and his companions were weighed down with sleep; but since they had stayed awake, they saw [Jesus’] glory and the two men who stood with him” (Luke 9:32)
How often we can miss something wonderful going on because we fall asleep, or we get caught up in the midst of something else. Peter, James, and John almost miss out on seeing Jesus in the presence of Moses and Elijah. Yet they do not miss this and, as a result, are invited to ponder Jesus in the light of some great forerunners of the faith and consider what the ministry of Jesus might be about. When have you almost missed out on something wonderful?