As you prepare, keep in mind the situations facing those within your community. Illness, discrimination, economic hardship, and other life challenges might cause some to struggle with the notion of God’s promise. The promise of Abram might also raise questions: How do we respond when fulfillment of a promise means difficulty for others? How do we read this scripture passage in the context of land issues, such as displace persons, development of agricultural land, and issues between immigrant peoples?
In the focus passage today, ritual “seals” the covenant. Rituals begin journeys and keep us on the journey. What rituals keep us individually and as a church on the journey of faith? What specific rituals mark your personal or communal Lenten journey? How do these rituals reinforce the promise of God’s hope along your journey?
Personal Reflection:
“[God said], ‘Look toward heaven and count the stars…So shall your descendants be’” (Genesis15:5).
Somethings in life seem well beyond our grasp. We want…and yet we fear we can never have or achieve. Yet God promises amazing things, the seemingly impossible. Abram and Sarai were well in years when God promised them more descendants than the stars in the sky. Think of where you are in your life.
- Was there a time when you didn’t think you could be where you are now?
- This week, take a moment each day to pause and give thanks for the achievements and relationships that fill the life you have now.
- What do you think God has in store for your future?